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June 18, 2006

Coming Soon: The Lana Turner Blog-a-thon!


For those who haven't heard the call of the Self-Styled Siren, this postman is ringing twice to remind everyone of the Lana Turner Blog-a-thon scheduled for June 29. Hopefully the Siren herself will be able to sit still long enough to do her own posting and set up linkage from wherever she may be at that time. Ms. Campaspe's last posting was from Paris, but she may be back in Toronto or at her new home in Brooklyn. My own plan is to write something today for future posting as I am also scheduled to move from the beach to a new, if temporary, home. I want to thank Flickhead for his posting of a reminder at his site. The date was chosen as the anniversary of Ms. Turner's death in 1995. I hope this gives everyone time to readjust their rental queues, visit your local library or do whatever it may take to participate in celebrating this classic Hollywood star.

Posted by Peter Nellhaus at June 18, 2006 12:47 PM