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November 09, 2006

Moviegoing in Amsterdam


Last Tuesday night, we went to the Tuschinski Theatre. The theater had been recommended by a guide book, blogger Peet Gelderblom and the woman who runs the bed and breakfast we stayed at. As I understood it, and tried to explain to Lumena, what movies were playing there were besides the point. Unlike American movie theaters, this theater and the theater around the corner did not have big marquees visible from a block or more away. You had to actually be in front of the theater, noticing the posters, to realize that you were at your destination.

Inside the large lobby are tables for drinking coffee or a Heineken before the film. The ceiling light is a large circle that constantly changes color. Getting to one of the theaters inside is something of a maze, though the theater itself is understated and modern. There is also an inner lobby that was darkly lit and looked like a scene from the Arabian nights. We were going to see Babel but a wonderful Indian dinner at a restaurant called "Shiva" took longer than planned. Instead we saw Scoop, with Scarlett Johansson chanelling Woody Allen, and Woody Allen channelling Bob Hope.

On Wednesday morning, we went to the Stedelijk Museum. Still under construction, one could see pieces by Andy Warhol and Carl Andre on the third floor, sometimes with one large piece in a room, and no crowds. The primary reason we went was to see a couple of short films by Daria Martin (seen above). The two films combine dance, sculpture, and geometric shapes. Wintergarden literalized the motif of the "ties that bind" with yarn and rope connecting the women in the film.

Posted by Peter Nellhaus at November 9, 2006 12:31 PM


The Tuschinski Theatre is gorgeous. I've always been half-interested in going to Amsterdam; my desire to visit just doubled.

Posted by: Jette at November 11, 2006 12:27 PM