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November 02, 2006

My Adventure


I am writing this from the Dusseldorf, Germany airport. In a couple of hours, I will be flying to Amersterdam. This is my first time in Europe, save for my time at the Zurich airport on my way to and from Jerusalem. I will be in Amsterdam for almost a week, followed by four days in Berlin, to be followed by a flight to Bangkok and my ultimate destination of Chiang Mai, Thailand. In short, I am going on an adventure.

I will be continuing to write about film, although for the next couple of weeks my entries may be more sporadic. I plan on visiting film museums in Amersterdam and Berlin as well as catching some films. I also hope to look more deeply into Thai cinema. In the next day or so I hope to have a better internet connection so I can write more substantial entries. I may not write as frequently as did in the past month, but my goal is to provide some entries that will inform and entertain.

Posted by Peter Nellhaus at November 2, 2006 01:33 PM